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Reducing Energy Consumption of Your HVAC System

Albuquerque Heating32% of the average building’s energy usage comes from the air conditioning or heating unit, already making it important to find ways to lower your air conditioner’s energy usage. Fortunately, the steps you can take to reduce energy costs are simple and effective, regardless of budget or skill level. There are many ways to reduce the cost of using your air conditioning and the three most effective are listed below.

Take Advantage of Renewable Energy

If the building you wish to heat or cool has not been built yet, start it off on the right foot by taking advantage of solar, wind or other renewable energy.

Not only is it excellent for the environment, but it is also excellent for your wallet as it will help keep energy costs down. It may be a bit of an expense initially, but a renewable energy system will more than pay for itself in no time. You may also qualify for tax credits or rebates upon installing one of these systems, so check with a tax expert to find out if you qualify.

Buy Energy-Efficient Units

While it is true that energy-efficient air conditioners are more expensive than ordinary air conditioners, they will undoubtedly save you money in the long run. Energy-efficient air conditioners are also higher quality than their lower-priced counterparts. As with a renewable energy system, they may qualify your for numerous tax rebates.Albuquerque Energy Efficiency

Check with a tax professional to find out if you qualify and for how much. Not only will you be buying a unit that will last for a while to come, but it will essentially come at a discount thanks to the accompanying tax credit. Be sure to enlist the help of a professional HVAC technician to ensure it is installed correctly the first time, which will also keep long-term costs down.

Run Your Unit at Stable and Optimum Temperatures

Generally speaking, avoid fluctuating the temperature setting on your thermostat too frequently or too widely. For instance, don’t set your thermostat to 50 degrees on a 100-degree day, as this will definitely stress your air conditioner.

Try to find a sweet spot where you will stay comfortable and the air conditioner will get the chance to rest once in a while. If you have your air conditioner’s manual, it will list the most energy-efficient temperatures to set your unit on. If not, try contacting an air conditioning specialist for advice.

Interested in going green? Call Daniels Heating and Air Conditioning at (505) 898-8860 to make your Albuquerque home more energy efficient.